


辦公室:水利系館4樓 4677A室

NCKU Research










      1. Guest Investigator
        Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | Aug 2016-Aug, 2019
      2. Postdoctoral Investigator
        Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering, WHOI | Mar, 2015-Aug, 2016
      3. Engineer, Project Manager, Business Development Manager
        DHI Singapore & Shanghai | 2007-2009
      4. Professional Practice
        DHI Headquarter, Denmark | Mar, 2007-Agu 2007
      1. 成功大學111學年度「教學創新:EMI教學組」教學優良獎

      2. 指導碩士生侯丞謙榮獲第44屆海洋工程研討會海報論文競賽第一

      3. 指導碩士生蔡維展榮獲第44屆海洋工程研討會海報論文競賽佳作

      4. 111學年度工學院明日之星研究獎助計畫

      5. 90周年校慶學術系列活動青年學者論文競賽土環學群佳作

      6. 109學年度研究優良教師

      7. 109學年度優良導師

      8. 108學年度教學優良教師

      9. 學生黃郁琪獲科技部獎學金赴美參加2018 ICCE

      10. 學生林鈺淇獲選2018地科中心(ESRPC)論文獎

  • Pao CH, Romdani, A., Chen, J.‐L.*, (2023) Tidally-modulated stratification in a channel-shoal estuary, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Volume 284,2023,108279 [link]
  • Tsai, S.-D., Lin, Y.-C., Romdani, A., Chen, J.‐L.*, Hsu Ray T., and Liu James T., (2023) On the occurrence of low concentration hyperpycnal river plumes in small mountainous river-canyon system, Continental Shelf Research. 2023.104932 [link]
  • Tsai, S.-D., Chen, J-L*., Hsu, W.-Y., Tsai, W.-Z., Romdani, A., (2023) A numerical investigation of the transport process of density currents over steep slopes and its implications for subsea cable breaks, Ocean Eng. Volume 269,2023,113446 [link]
  • Romdani, A., Chen, J-L*., Chien, H, Lin, J-H., Liao, C-Y, Hou, C-Q, (2023) Downdrift Port Siltation Adjacent to a River Mouth: Effects of Meso-tidal Conditions and Typhoon. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering ASCE [link]
  • Chang, M., Cheng, Y., Yeh, Y., Yang, Y. J., Jan, S., Liu, C., Matsuno, T., Endoh, T., Tsutsumi, E., Chen, J., & Guo, X. (2022) Internal hydraulic transition and turbulent mixing observed in the Kuroshio over the I-Lan Ridge off northeastern Taiwan, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52, 3179–3198 [link]
  • Chen, J.-L.*, Yu X, Chang M-H, Jan S, Yang YJ and Lien R-C, (2022/05) Shear Instability and Turbulent Mixing in the Stratified Shear Flow Behind a Topographic Ridge at High Reynolds Number. Mar. Sci. 9:829579. (IF = 5.247) Editor: Saito Review by :Nagai (JGR Ocean Editor) & Stocchino [link]
  • Romdani, A., Chen J-L*; Chien H, Lin J-H; Hung C-K; Huang Y-Q, (2022/03) Downdrift Port Siltation adjacent to a River Mouth: Mechanisms and Effects of Littoral Sediment Transport to the Navigation Channel, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering ASCE, 148, 05022001, Special Collection on Case Studies in Waterways Engineering [link]
  • Zhong, Y-Z, Chien, H, Lin, M-Y, Wargula, A, Chen, J-L.* (2022/02) On the Dependency of Bottom Drag and the Eddy Viscosity upon Flow Structure in the Coastal Boundary Layer.  Mar. Sci. Eng. 10(3):324. [link]
  • Romdani, A., Tsai, S.-D., Tsai, W.-Z., Lin, Y.-C., Chen, J.-L.*, (2022/01). A numerical investigation on the occurrence of the typhoon-triggered density currents of the 2008-flood event. J. Coast. Offshore Sci. Eng. 1, 100–116.[link]
  • Pao CH, Chen, J.-L., Su SF, Huang YC, Huang WH, Kuo CH, (2021/03) The effect of Wave-induced Current and Coastal Structure on Sediment Transport at the Zengwen River Mouth, Mar. Sci. Eng. 9 (3), 333. [link]
  • Wang, T., Wei, Z., Jiang, W., Xu, T., Chen, J.‐L., Bian, C., (2021/02) Quantification of numerical mixing in coastal ocean models through an offline method, Ocean Engineering, 222, 108588. [link]
  • Geyer, W.R., Ralston, D.K. and Chen, J.‐L.(2020/12), Mechanisms of Exchange Flow in an Estuary with a Narrow, Deep Channel and Wide, Shallow Shoals. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 125: e2020JC016092. [link]

  • Y.A. Shirazi, E.W. Carr, G.R. Parsons, P. Hoagland, D.K. Ralston, J.L. Chen, (2019) Increased operational costs of electricity generation in the Delaware River and Estuary from salinity increases due to sea-level rise and a deepened channel, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 244, 228-234. (IF = 5.647)[link]
  • Chen, J.-L., Ralston. D. K., Geyer, W. R., Sommerfield, C., and Chant, B (2018), Wave generation, dissipation, and disequilibrium in an embayment with complex bathymetry, J. Geophys. Res., 123, 7856-7876 [link]
  • Wargula A., Raubenheimer, B., and Elgar, S, Chen, J.-L., Shi, F. and Traykovski, P., (2018), Tidal flow asymmetry owing to inertia and waves on an unstratified, shallow ebb shoal, J. Geophys. Res. 123, 6779-6799 [link]
  • Chen, J.-L., Hsu, T.-J., Shi, F., Raubenheimer, B., and Elgar, S. (2015), Hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling of New River Inlet (NC) under the Interaction of Tides and Waves, J. Geophys. Res. 120, 4028-4047(Fig3, featured in JGR: Oceans Website) [link]
  • Spydell, M. S., Feddersen, F., Olabarrieta, M., Chen, J.-L., Raubenheimer, B., Elgar, S., and Guza, R. T. (2015), Observed and modeled drifters at a tidal inlet, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans,120, 4825–4844 [link]
  • Rogowski, P., E. Terrill, and Chen, J.-L. (2014), Observations of the frontal region of a buoyant river plume using an autonomous underwater vehicle,  J. Geophys. Res.Oceans, 119, 7549– 7567 (Fig6, featured in JGR: Oceans Website) [link]
  • Chen, J.-L., Shi, F., Hsu, T.-J. and Kirby, J. T., (2014), NearCoM-TVD - A quasi-3D nearshore circulation and sediment transport model, Coastal Engineering, 91, 200-212 [link]
      1. 海洋邊緣紊流混合與能量轉換之研究 (主持人) 執行中
      2. 歐盟再生計畫:重建環境自然生態服務之海岸保護研究 (協同主持人) 執行中
      3. 西方邊界流中剪力不穩定波之生成機制及變化 (主持人) 2019-08-01-2022-07-31
      4. 環境變遷對雲嘉沿海產業與人文社會衝擊及調適治理策略-氣候變遷極端事件對雲嘉沿海離岸沙洲變遷之衝擊(協同主持人) 2020/08/01-2021/07/31
      5. 雙邊研究計畫(臺德 (MOST-DAAD) 雙邊合作計畫人員交流PPP計畫) 感潮河段泥沙交換過程之研究—以淡水河為例 (主持人)2019/1/1-2022/12/31