Distinguished professor

Chyan-Deng Jan

Dean, College of Engineering, NCKU ;Director of Soil & Water Conservation and Eco-Engineering Research Center, NCKU

Office:4F 4690

Extension: 63251
NCKU Research


Ph.D., Civil Engineering, The University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A.

M.S., Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

B.S., Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University


Soil & Water Conservation, Sediment Transport, Hydraulic Engineering, Debris Flow, Coastal Engineering, Engineering Mathematics

Teaching courses:

Open Channel Hydraulics, Engineering Mathematics, The Theory of Debris Flow, Soil & Water Conservation Engineering, Mechanics of Sediment Transport

1997/08 ~ present Professor, Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

2002/08 ~ present Distiguished Professor, Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

2011/02 ~ present Director, Ecological Soil and Water Conservation Research Center, National Cheng Kung University

2014/09 ~ present Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers

2015/02 ~ present Vice president, Office of General Affairs, National Cheng Kung University

2015/05 ~ present Fellow, Environmental and Water Resources Institute

成功大學工學院教師撰寫中文專書獎勵 「泥沙運行學」、「土石流概論」、「土石流防災降雨警戒」
成功大學工學院教師撰寫英文專書獎勵 “Gradually-varied Flow Profiles in Open Channels"

Special Publications

  • 2016  Jan, C.D., Yang, S.Y.*, Su, Y. W., and Huang, W.S. “Investigation about rainfall-induced shallow landslides in CYL and TWR watersheds, Taiwan.” Environmental Earth Science, 75:898. DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-5215-8. (SCI)
  • 2016 Jan, C.D., Yang, R.Y., Hwung, H.H., and Chen, W.Y.* “Intermittent Slipping of Landslide Regulated by Dilatancy Evolution and Velocity-Weakening Friction Law: an efficient numerical scheme.” Journal of Mountain Sciences, Vol. 13(8), 1333-1344. (SCI)
  • 2013  Jan, C.D., Kuo, F.H. and Wang, J.S.  ‘’Early criteria for debris flows and their application in Taiwan (TXT-tool 2.886-1.3). ‘’ICL Landslide Teaching Tools, UNESCO.
  • 2012  Jan, C.D.* and Chen, C.L. “Use of the Gaussian hypergeometric function to solve the equation of gradually-varied flow.” Journal of Hydrology, Vol.456-457, 139-145 (SCI, IF=2.964, Engineering-Civil Ranking 4/122= 3.28%).
  • 2012 Jan, C.D.* and Chen, C.L. “Gradually varied open-channel flow profiles normalized by critical depth and analytically solved by using Gaussian hypergeometric functions.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences – Discussion (HESSD), Vol. 9, 11791-11828.


  1. 2021 Dey, L., Jan, C.D., Wang J. S. “Effects of particle fractions on the Bingham yield stress and viscosity of fine-coarse particle suspensions ” Journal of Mountain Science, 18(11), 2960-2970. (SCI)
  2. 2020 Patel, N., Mohebbi, A., Jan, C.D., Guo, J. “Maximum Shear Stress Method for Stable Channel Design ” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 146(12): 04020082 (SCI)
  3. 2019 Yang, S. Y., Jan, C.D., Yen, H., Wang, J. S. “Characterization of landslide distribution and sediment yield in the TsengWen River Watershed, Taiwan. ” Catena174, 184-198. (SCI)
  4. 2018 Jan, C. D.  “Discussion of "Formulas for the transportation of bed load" by Chong-Hung Zee and Raymond Zee.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(10). (SCI)
  5. 2017 Huang, T.H., Jan, C.D., Hsu, Y.C.“Numerical Simulations of Water Surface Profiles and Vortex Structure in a Vortex Settling Basin by Using Flow-3D.” Journal of Marine Science and Technology Vol. 25(5),531-542.(SCI)
  6. 2016 Jan, C.D.,Yang, R.Y., Hwung, H.H., Chen, W.Y.  “Intermittent slipping of landslide regulated by dilatancy evolution and velocity-weakening friction law: an efficient numerical scheme.” Journal of Mountain Science, 13(8),1333-1344. (SCI)
  7. 2016 Jan, C.D., Yang, S.Y.*, Su, Y. W., Huang, W.S. “Investigation about rainfall-induced shallow landslides in CYL and TWR watersheds, Taiwan.” Environmental Earth Science, 75:898. DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-5215-8. (SCI)
  8. 2013  Jan, C.D., Kuo, F.H., Wang, J.S.  ‘’Early criteria for debris flows and their application in Taiwan (TXT-tool 2.886-1.3). ‘’ICL Landslide Teaching Tools, UNESCO.
  9. 2012  Jan, C.D.* and Chen, C.L. “Use of the Gaussian hypergeometric function to solve the equation of gradually-varied flow.” Journal of Hydrology, Vol.456-457, 139-145 (SCI, IF=2.964, Engineering-Civil Ranking 4/122= 3.28%).
  10. 2012 Jan, C.D.* and Chen, C.L. “Gradually varied open-channel flow profiles normalized by critical depth and analytically solved by using Gaussian hypergeometric functions.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences - Discussion (HESSD), Vol. 9, 11791-11828.
  11. 2018 詹錢登、許喬凱、楊致遠「高嶺土泥沙漿體流變與坍度之試驗研究」,中華水土保持學報。49卷2期, P110-116。(EI)
  12. 2018 詹錢登、陳新霖、楊斯堯,“降雨入滲引發土體崩塌之數值分析”,中華水土保持學報。49(1),49-58。(EI)
  13. 2017 何秋燕、詹錢登、 楊斯堯,“應用證據權重法評估土石流發生潛勢-以高屏溪流域為例”,中華水土保持學報,第四十八卷,第二期,第92-100頁。(EI)
  14. 2016 詹錢登、楊致遠、徐郁超、向韋誠,“高桶式旋流漏斗排砂器的柱體區高度變化對泥砂去除效率影響之試驗研究”,農業工程學報,第六十二卷,第二期,第64-79頁。(EI)