2004/08 ~ 2009/01 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Chi Nan University
2009/02 ~ 2010/07 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Chi Nan University
2010/08 ~ 2012/07 Assistant Professor, Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
2012/08 ~ present Associate Professor, Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
2020, Excellent research award (Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, NCKU).
2017, Scientific visit (Short-term research) to TU Darmstadt, Germany (MOST-DFG (Taiwan-Germany) Researchers Exchange Program).
2017, Excellent teaching teacher and excellent tutor (Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, NCKU).
2014 to 2016, NSC-INRIA (Taiwan-France) Researchers Exchange Program.
2014, Excellent teaching teacher and excellent tutor (Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, NCKU).
2013, Scientific visit (Short-term research) in Tsukuba University, Japan (founded by NSC).
2012, Annual outstanding young scholar research project (NSC).
2009, Excellent TA Instructor (National Chi Nan University).
2008, Master Research Study Competition Excellent Work Award (National Chi Nan University).
期刊論文(Refereed Journal Publications, since 2011)
- Y.C. Tai, C.J. Ko, K.D. Li, Y.C. Wu, C.Y. Kuo, R.F. Chen and C.W. Lin (2020). An idealized landslide failure surface and its impacts on the traveling paths. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 8:313, doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00313. (SCI)
- C.Y. Kuo, P.W. Tsai, Y.C. Tai, Y.H. Chan, R.F. Chen and C.W. Lin (2020). Application Assessments of Using Scarp Boundary-Fitted, Volume Constrained, Smooth Minimal Surfaces as Fracture Interfaces of Deep-Seated Landslides. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 8:211, doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00211. (SCI)
- Ke, L., Jin, Y.-C., Xu, T. and Tai, Y.-C. (2020). Investigating the physical characteristics of dense granular flows by coupling the weakly compressible moving particle semi-implicit method with the rheological model. Acta Geotech., 15, 1815–1830. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-019-00905-8 (SCI)
- Carleo, L. Sarno, M. N. Papa, Y.-C. Tai, P. Villani, (2019). Volume fraction and velocity fields of nearly uniform granular flows in a narrow channel geometry with smooth bed. Advanced Powder Technology, 30(10), Oct. 2019, 2379-2395. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apt.2019.07.021 (SCI)
- Olalekan Abdul-Azeez Rufai, Yee-Chung Jin and Yih-Chin Tai (2019). Rheometry of dense granular collapse on inclined planes. Granular Matter, 21:62, DOI:10.1007/s10035-019-0922-6. (SCI)
- Xu, Y.-C. Jin and Y.-C. Tai (2019). Granular surface waves interaction across phases modeled by mesh-free method. Powder Technology, 355, 226–241. (SCI)
- Heß, J., Tai, Y. C., & Wang, Y. (2019). Debris Flows with Pore Pressure and Intergranular Friction on Rugged Topography. Computers & Fluids, 190, 139-155. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. compfluid.2019.06.015 (SCI)
- Y.C. Tai, J. Heß and Y. Wang (2019) Modeling two-phase debris flows with grain-fluid separation over rugged topography: Application to the 2009 Hsiaolin event, Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research -- Earth Surface, 124, 305–333. http://doi.org/10.1029/2018JF004671. (SCI)
- Sarno, A. Carravetta, Y.-C. Tai, R. Martino, M. N. Papa, C.-Y. Kuo (2018). Measuring the velocity fields of granular flows -- Employment of a multi-pass two-dimensional particle image velocimetry (2D-PIV) approach. Advanced Powder Technology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apt.2018. 08.014. (SCI)
- L. Delis, H. Guillard, Yih-Chin Tai (2018) Numerical simulation of hydraulic jumps with shear shallow water model. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01647019v1
- Tibing Xu, Yee-Chung Jin, Yih-Chin Tai and Chun-Hua Lu (2017). Simulation of granular column collapses using the (m-I) rheology model with experimental validation. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 247, 146–164. (SCI)
- Chin-Kai Cheng, Yih-Chin Tai and Yee-Chung Jin (2017). “Particle Image Velocity Measure -ment and Mesh-Free Methods Modeling Study of Forced Hydraulic Jumps.” ASCE's Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143(9), 04017028. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001325. (SCI)
- Sarno, A. Carravetta, R. Martino, M.N. Papa and Y.-C. Tai (2017). “Some considerations on numerical schemes for treating hyperbolicity issues in two-layer models.” Advances in Water Resources, 100, 183-198. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.12.014. (SCI)
- Sarno, L., Papa, M.N., Villani, P. & Tai, Y.C. (2016). “An optical method for measuring the near-wall volume fraction in granular dispersions.” Granular Matter, 18: 80. doi:10.1007/s10035- 016-0676-3. (SCI)
- Jin, Y. C., Guo, K., Tai, Y. C., & Lu, C. H. (2016). “Laboratory and numerical study of the flow field of subaqueous block sliding on a slope.” Ocean Engineering, 124, 371-383. (SCI)
- Kuo, C. Y., Sheng, L. T., Chiu, S. Y., Yang, Y. Z., Tai, Y. C., and Hsiau, S. S. (2015). “Measure- ment and discrete element simulation of a fixed-obstacle disturbed rapid granular chute flow.” Physics of Fluids (1994-present), 27(1), 013305. (SCI)
- Kuo, C. Y., Chang, K. J., Tsai, P. W., Wei, S. K., Chen, R. F., Dong, J. J., ... and Tai, Y. C. (2015). “Identification of Co-seismic Ground Motion due to Fracturing and Impact of the Tsaoling Landslide, Taiwan.” Engineering Geology, 196, 268-279; doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2015.07.013. (SCI)
- Sarno*, A. Carravetta, R. Martino and Y. C. Tai (2014) “A two-layer depth-averaged approach to describe the regime stratification in collapses of dry granular columns.” Physics of Fluids, 26, 103303; doi: 10.1063/1.4898563. (SCI)
- Xie, Y.C. Tai and Y.C. Jin* (2013). “Study of the Free Surface Flow of Water-Kaolinite Mixture by Moving Particle Semi-Implicit (MPS) Method.” International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, doi: 10.1002/nag.2234. (SCI)
- Sarno*, A. Carravetta, R. Martino and Y.C. Tai (2013). “The pressure coefficient in dam-break flows of dry granular matter.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE, 139(11), 1126–1133. doi:10.1061/(ASCE) HY.1943- 7900.0000772. (SCI)
- C. Chen, C.Y. Kuo*, K.M. Shyue and Y.C. Tai (2013). “Gas Kinetic Scheme for Anisotropic Savage-Hutter Model.” Communications in Computational Physics, 13(5), 1432–1454. (SCI)
- T. Sheng, Y.C. Tai, C.Y. Kuo and S.S. Hsiau* (2013) “A two-phase model for dry density- varying granular flows.” Advanced Powder Technology, 24, 132–142. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.apt.2012.04.001 (SCI)
- Luca, C.Y. Kuo, K. Hutter and Y.C. Tai (2012). ”Modeling Shallow Over-Saturated Mixtures on Arbitrary Rigid Topography.” Journal of Mechanics, 28, 523–541. (SCI)
- Y.C. Tai and C.Y. Kuo (2012). Modelling shallow debris flows of the Coulomb-mixture type over temporally varying topography. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 269–280, doi:10.5194/nhess-12- 269-2012. (SCI)
- Y.C. Tai, C.Y. Kuo and W.H. Hui (2012). “An alternative depth-integrated formulation for granular avalanches over temporally varying topography with small curvature.” Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 106(6), 596–629. DOI:10.1080/03091929.2011.648630. (SCI)
- Y. Kuo, Y.C. Tai, C.C. Chen, K.J. Chang, A. Y. Siau, J.J. Dong, R. Han and T. Shimamoto (2011). “The landslide stage of the Shiaolin catastrophe: simulation and validation.” Journal of Geophysical Research -- Earth Surface, 116, F04007, doi:10.1029/2010JF001921. (SCI)
- T. Sheng, C.Y. Kuo, Y.C. Tai and S.S. Hsiau (2011). “Indirect measurements of streamwise solid fraction variations of granular flows accelerating down a smooth rectangular chute.”Experiments in Fluids, DOI: 10.1007/s00348-011-1149-4. (SCI)
專書(Scientific books)
- Luca, I., Tai, Y. C., Kuo, C. Y. (2016) “Shallow Geophysical Mass Flows down Arbitrary Topo- graphy.” Springer Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-319-02626-8.
專書論文(Special issues in scientific books, since 2011)
- Sarno, Y.C. Tai, A. Carravetta, R. Martino, M.N. Papa and C.Y. Kuo (2019) “Challenges and improvements in applying a particle image velocimetry (PIV) approach to granular flows.” Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1249 (2019) 012011.
- Sarno, M.N. Papa, Y.C. Tai, L. Carleo and P. Villani (2019) “A non-invasive stochastic-optical method (SOM) for estimating the volume fraction in granular flows: application on interrogation windows with different aspect ratios.” Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1249 (2019) 012013.
- Sarno, M. N. Papa, Y. C. Tai, A. Carravetta, R. Martino (2014). “A reliable PIV approach for measuring velocity profiles of highly sheared granular flows.” G. Viccione and C. Guarnaccia (Eds), Latest Trends in Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology, 134-141, WSEAS Press, ISBN: 978-960-474-376-6.
- Sarno, A. Carravetta, R. Martino, Y. C. Tai and M. N. Papa (2014). “A two-layer depth- averaged model of dry granular material for dam-break flows.” G. Viccione and C. Guarnaccia (Eds), Latest Trends in Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology, 118-127, WSEAS Press, ISBN: 978-960-474-376-6.
- 戴義欽 (2013). “詭譎多變的近岸水流”, 科學發展, 488期, 22—27.
- Y.C. Tai, C.Y. Kuo, L.T. Sheng and S.S. Hsiau (2012). “A two-phase model for dry density-varying granular flows over general topography.” E. Eberhardt et al. (Eds), Landslides and Engineered Slopes: Protecting Society through Improved Understanding (Volume 2), 1679-1685, Taylor & Francis Group, London.