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NCKU Research
Ph.D., Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University (2005)
Urban Flooding, Hydraulics and Sediment Transport in River Bends, Disaster Early Warning and Reduction, Computational Fluid Mechanics
Teaching Courses:
Intermediate Hydraulics (in English), Intermediate Hydrology (in English), Flood Control Engineering Design, Introduction To Disaster Prevention Technology And Management
International Master Program on Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management (2017 –)
Assistant Professor, Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, NCKU (2017 –2020)
Assistant Division Head, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (2006 – 2017)
社團法人台灣建築醫學學會優秀學位論文指導獎(2020),指導學生(Petr Vohnický)
Jiun Huei Jang*, Kun Fang Lee, Jin Cheng Fu (2022, Feb). Improving river stage forecasting using hybrid models based on the combination of multiple additive regression trees and Runge–Kutta schemes. Water Resources Management.
Jiun-Huei Jang*, Tien-Hao Chang (2022, Jan). Flood risk estimation under the compound influence of rainfall and tide. Journal of Hydrology, 606, 127446.
Yuan-Fong Su, Yan-Ting Lin, Jiun-Huei Jang*, Jen-Yu Han (2022, Jan). High-resolution flood simulation in urban areas through the application of remote sensing and crowdsourcing technologies. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 756198.
Hsiao-Wen Wang, Guan-Wei Chen, Wei-Lin Lee, Shuei-Huei You, Chia-Wen Li, Jiun-Huei Jang*, Chjeng-Lun Shieh (2021, Dec). Learning From Each Other in the Management of Natural Disaster and COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Taiwan. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 777255.
Jiun-Huei Jang*, Petr Vohnicky, Yen-Lien Kuo (2021, May). Improvement of Flood Risk Analysis Via Downscaling of Hazard and Vulnerability Maps. Water Resources Management, 35, 2215-2230. (SCI, 37/137, Engineering, Civil).
Shih-Chun Hsiao, Wen-Son Chiang, Jiun-Huei Jang*, Han-Lun Wu, Wei-Shiun Lu, Wei-Bo Chen, and Yun-Ta Wu (2021, Apr). Flood risk influenced by the compound effect of storm surge and rainfall under climate change for low-lying coastal areas . Science of the Total Environment, 746(10), 144439.
Shih-Chun Hsiao, Chao-Tzuen Cheng, Tzu-Yin Chang, Wei-Bo Chen, Han-Lun Wu, Jiun-Huei Jang, Lee-Yaw Lin (2021, Jan). Assessment of Offshore Wave Energy Resources in Taiwan Using Long-Term Dynamically DownscaledWinds from a Third-Generation Reanalysis Product. Energies, 14(3), 653.
Yan-Ting Lin, Ming-Der Yang, Jen-Yu Han, Yuan-Fong Su, Jiun-Huei Jang (2020, Feb). Quantifying flood water levels using image-based volunteered geographic information. Remote Sensing, 12(4), 706-723.
Jin-Cheng Fu, Hsiao-Yun Huang, Jiun-Huei Jang*, Pei-Hsun Huang (2019. Oct). River Stage forecasting using multiple additive regression trees. Water Resources Management 33:4491–4507. (SCI)
Jiun-Huei Jang*, Chi-Tai Hsieh, Tien-Hao Chang (2019. Sep) The importance of gully flow modelling to urban flood simulation. Urban Water Journal 16(5), 377–388. (SCI)
Chih-Hsin Chang, Hung-Ju Shih, Wei-Bo Chen*, Wen-Ray Su, Lee-Yaw Lin, Yi-Chiang Yu, Jiun-Huei Jang (2018, July) Hazard Assessment of Typhoon-Driven Storm Waves in the Nearshore Waters of Taiwan. Water 10(7), 926. (SCI)
Jiun-Huei Jang*, Tien-Hao Chang, Wei-Bo Chen (2018, May) Effect of inlet modelling on surface drainage in coupled urban flood simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 562, 168–180. (SCI)
Yan-Ting Lin, Wei-Bo Chen, Yuan-Fong Su, Jen-Yu Han and Jiun-Huei Jang* (2018, Apr) Improving river stage forecast by bed reconstruction in sinuous bends. Journal of Hydroinformatics. 20(4), 960–974. (SCI)
Wen-Ray Su, Hongey Chen, Wei-Bo Chen, Chih-Hsin Chang, Lee-Yaw Lin, Jiun-Huei Jang, Yi-Chiang Yu (2018, Apr). Numerical investigation of wave energy resources and hotspots in the surrounding waters of Taiwan. Renewable Energy, 118, 814-824. (SCI)
Jin-Cheng Fu, Jiun-Huei Jang*, Chun-Mao Huang, Wen-Yen Lin, Chia-Cheng Yeh (2018, Jan). Cross-analysis of land and runoff variations in response to urbanization on basin, watershed, and city scales with/without green infrastructures. Water, 10(2), 106. (SCI)
Wei-Bo Chen, Lee-Yaw Lin, Jiun-Huei Jang, Chih-Hsin Chang (2017, Jul). Simulation of Typhoon-Induced Storm Tides and Wind Waves for the Northeastern Coast of Taiwan Using a Tide–Surge–Wave Coupled Model. Water, 9(7), 549-562. (SCI)
Jiun-Huei Jang* (2015, Nov). An advanced method to apply multiple rainfall thresholds for urban flood warnings. Water, 7, 6056-6078. (SCI)
Wei-Bo Chen, Wen-Cheng Liu, Huei-Shuin Fu, Jiun-Huei Jang (2015, Apr). Assessing the influences of a flood division project on mitigating river stage, inundation extent and economic loss. Water, 7, 1731-1750. (SCI)
Pao-Shan Yu, Ming-Hsi Hsu, Jiun-Huei Jang*, Jin-Cheng Fu, Chen-Jian Huang, Sen-Hai Yeh (2014, Apr). Flood warning by ensemble of multiple hydrological models: a case study for Typhoon Morakot. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 37(5), 570-581. (EI)
Lung-Sheng Hsieh, Jiun-Huei Jang*, Wen-Cheng Liu, Ching-Pin Tung (2012, Sep). Runoff peak under climate change and associated flood management in Taiwan. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 24(3), 245-252. (SCI)
Jiun-Huei Jang*, Pao-Shan Yu, Sen-Hai Yeh, Jin-Cheng Fu, Chen-Jia Huang (2012, Jul). A probabilistic model for real-time flood warning based on deterministic flood inundation mapping. Hydrological Processes, 26(7), 1079–1089. (SCI)
Jiun-Huei Jang*, Hsin-Ya Ho, Chin-Lien Yen (2011). Effects of lifting force on bed topography and bed-surface sediment size in channel bend. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 137(9), 911-920. (SCI)
Lung-Sheng Hsieh, Jiun-Huei Jang*, Hsuan-Ju Lin, Pao-Shan Yu (2010). Flood prevention strategy in Taiwan: lessons learned from Typhoon Morakot. Journal of Disaster Research, 5(3), 325-329. (EI)
Jiun-Huei Jang*, Hsin-Ya Ho, Chin-Lien Yen (2006). Effect of lift on bed-surface sediment size distribution in channel bend. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 29(4), 569-579. (SCI)
吳亭燁,張駿暉,劉哲欣,施虹如,張志新(2016年09月)。極端降雨引致坡地災害對新店溪流域之衝擊與影響。災害防救科技與管理,5 (2), 19-39。
李欣輯,徐永衡,黃暄穎,陳永明,張駿暉,林李耀(2016年09月)。黃金廊道灌區之農作淹水災害潛勢評估。農業工程學報,62(3), 51-62。(EI)。
李正國,張駿暉,魏曉萍(2015年)。洪水災害防治科技 –實驗型整合模擬平台。土木水利,42(5), 21-24。
傅金城,黃孝雲,朱芫慧,張駿暉,許銘熙(2011年)。多元適應性迴歸模式(MARS)應用於降雨-水位預報之研究。台灣水利,59(1), 1-14。(EI)。
傅金城,張駿暉,葉森海,黃成甲,謝龍生,游保杉,葉克家,許銘熙(2010年)。淹水災害預警技術。國研科技,25, 15-27。
傅金城,黃孝雲,朱芫慧,張駿暉,許銘熙(2011年)。多元適應性迴歸模式(MARS)應用於降雨-水位預報之研究。台灣水利,59(1), 1-14。(EI)。
傅金城,張駿暉,葉森海,黃成甲,謝龍生,游保杉,葉克家,許銘熙(2010年)。淹水災害預警技術。國研科技,25, 15-27。
何興亞,張駿暉,于宜強,江申,郭彥廉(2007年)。全球氣候變遷對臺灣之災害衝擊與調適策略探討。中華水資源管理學會會刊,9(2), 38-44。