112學年度新聘教師徵聘公告(Full-time Tenure Track Position)


國立成功大學水利及海洋工程學系 誠徵專任教師
起聘時間:民國 112 年 8 月 1 日起聘
申請者需檢附下列資料或證件,以電子郵件將相關應聘資料(請註明應聘專 長)寄送本系孫建平主任:
(10) 其他有助於說明能力之文件

申請截止日期:111 年 11 月 7 日止(以當日 23:59 為限) 郵寄地址:701 台南市大學路 1 號 國立成功大學水利及海洋工程學系
電話:06-2757575 轉 63201、傳真:06-2741463

系聯絡人:蔡世瑛助教 電話:06-2757575 轉 63202 E-MAIL:shrying@mail.ncku.edu.tw

Full-time Tenure Track Position
Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Title: Assistant Professor or higher Application deadline: November 7th, 2022
Starting date of employment: August 1st, 2023
Qualification for Candidates:
(1) Ph.D. degree.
(2) Research field or experience in underwater acoustics, ocean engineering, coastal protection and
disaster prevention, marine renewable energy, or other fields related to innovative hydraulic or
ocean engineering research.

Please include the following documents with your application:
(1) Curriculum vitae (including referees’ name) and autobiography
(2) Three reference letters (letter shall be sealed and signed by referee)
(3) Publication list, offprints of selected publications and doctoral dissertation
(4) Photocopy of the degree diplomas (notarization of diploma is required for foreign degrees)
(5) Working experience (if any)
(6) Photocopy of undergraduate and graduate school transcripts (master and doctoral programs)
(7) Research interests (including research plans)
(8) Teaching plans (including course outlines and demonstration of the ability to teach in English)
(9) Applicant’s Information Review Form. Please download the form via the recruitment announcement
on the website of our department.
(10) Supplement materials that help demonstrate the applicant’s accomplishments (optional)
Please send the documents by email to: Prof. J.P. Suen, Chairman
Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University No.1, University
Road, Tainan City, 701, Taiwan
E-mail: jpsuen@mail.ncku.edu.tw Telephone: (+886)-6-275-7575#63201
Fax: (+886)-6-274-1463
For further information, please contact Miss Shih-Ying Tsai at Telephone: (+886)-6-275-7575#63202
E-mail: shrying@mail.ncku.edu.tw