Engineering a dream workspace In my lab, we study the evolution of underwater landscapes. We look at density currents that plunge into an ocean or reservoir, and how sediment and water interact to shape the evolution of deltas, channels and canyons. These kinds of powerful currents occur in extreme events — such as floods or typhoons — and often are too hard to measure from a ship. But we can easily reproduce them here in my lab, using sand and coloured-water flows in a tank. This is a dream workspace for me. But things were very different in 2014, when my master’s student and I were trying to recreate what is essentially a braided river channel on the sea floor. I borrowed space in an old fluid-mechanics lab, and we built a new water tank in a very small corner of this cramped, dark lab. It was challenging. My student redesigned the small...

同學好: 台北市英僑商務協會 (British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, BCCT)與再生能源委員會 (UK Renewables Committee, UKRC) 於今年3月24日啟動2022年英國再生能源實習招募計畫。   為提升學生參與綠領經濟相關產業鏈的契機並對離岸風電有更深一層的認識,該會盼能至系互動約45分鐘至1小時的時間,讓他們能與本系學生進行離岸風電講座與實習計畫分享。 透過招募說明會與校內講座讓本系學生更加了解風電產業內涵與前景。透過參與此實習計畫預備能力以及規劃職涯發展目標。 此暑期實習計畫致力於落實國內離岸風電人才培育,學生不僅能夠實際參與各大外商公司的離岸風電專案項目,更能得到業界多方培訓與支援,完善落實台灣能源轉型的進程。 本年度該計畫將擴大實習生培育計畫,除了8間英國在台風電外商提供實習職缺的培訓計畫之外,更讓實習生有多方機會參與本會業界接觸。 盼能透過產學合作與貴系建立合作關係共創雙贏,打造在台國際人才,與本系有更長期與持續性的密切合作關係。   主辦單位: 社團法人台北市英僑商務協會 與 BCCTaipei 再生能源委員會 主辦活動: 2022 BCCT x UKRC暑期實習計畫 (2-3個月) 參與公司為 Wood Thilsted 的 Associate Director / Country Manager, Simon Faulkner 預計至系演講時間: 4/28 (一場預計45-60分鐘) 10:40 am – 11:10 am 抵達,與系主任碰面,電腦設置 11:10 am – 11:35 am 台灣離岸風電產業背景介紹,2022 英僑商會 x 英國再生委員會 離岸風電實習計畫介紹 11:35 am – 12:00 pm 學生發問時間 Q&A 規劃地點:本系2樓4620(大一教室)   敬請同學踴躍參與,謝謝!...